Your home and safety is important to us – whether you rent, own, live in a high-rise condo or a detached house we will work with you to understand your needs and propose an insurance plan that fits your unique situation.
When purchasing a home or condo, banks and mortgage companies will require you to have insurance in place before closing to ensure their interests are protected. Our experts will help put a policy and place and provide the banks and mortgage companies the insurance proof they require to finalize your closing.
Home insurance not only reimburses you for financial loss due to an accidental loss such as fire, vandalism, and water damage, but your insurance will also provide liability coverage and provide protection against legal action brought against you for your actions or ownership of property.
As a condo owner, the shared policy you hold with the other unit owners typically only covers the common areas of the building, so it is important to have your own policy that protects all of your contents and your unit specific assets and upgrades. Condo insurance also provides liability coverage, where the shared policy, may not.
If you are renting, the building owner’s policy will typically provide coverage on the building, but you want to ensure you have coverage on all your contents and assets within your unit. A tenant’s package will allow you to do just that, plus provide you liability coverage should legal action be brought against you. For example, if you are held responsible for damages to the building or injury to others in the building or who visit you.
Your seasonal escape is your home away from home and you want to protect it like you protect your home. Some insurance companies will often insure your cottage on the same policy as your home. It is recommended that you add preventative measures to alarm you of frozen pipes and flooding, as water damage is the most common type of claim for these properties. Some insurance companies provide discounts for adding these measures. If you rent your seasonal home to others, it is imperative to let us know, so we can ensure you have the proper coverage. Third-party liability coverage is a must if you are renting, as it provides protection if someone were to be injured on your property.